Shoes: While you are still deciding whether ballroom dancing is for you, we recommend wearing leather-soled shoes or any shoes that do not grip the floor too much. Sneakers, Keens, or rubber-type soled shoes are NOT recommended. Slip-on shoes are also NOT recommended. Once you know that ballroom dance is for you, we recommend purchasing suede soled ballroom dance shoes or dance sneakers. Ask in class for our recommended shoe stores. Always BRING, DON'T WEAR your dance shoes! Especially in the Winter.
Clothes: Wear whatever clothes you are comfortable in. Depending upon the dance, dancing can be an aerobic exercise. Wear layers so that you don’t get too hot.
Women / Men: At the moment we are almost an all-women group. This is only because we have only 3-4 guys who attend sporadically! Guys, please know that you are most welcome. There are a lot of guys who do ballroom & latin dance - just not in St. Louis it seems. Let's grow the community!
Payment: For Classes: We accept exact cash, Venmo or checks (made out to Elena Lyashenko).
Weather: Almost nothing makes us cancel our classes. However, sometimes the winter weather does. In winter months, please check your email or our Facebook page for unexpected class cancellations.
Holidays: We do not hold class on any holiday that falls on a Thursday: July Fourth, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, or New Year’s Day.
Masks & Vaccination: Ballroom dance is a close-contact activity. We recommend that all dancers keep their COVID vaccinations up to date. Masks are welcome but not required. Please be considerate of others and take care of yourself.